Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012


Pernah denger certa dongeng gk ? 
Kalo pernah , amatin deh apakah dongeng itu termasuk ke dalam narrative teks .. 
Untuk mencari jawabannya , baca dulu yang satu ini .. 
Aseek :D

The narrative text is to amuse or entertain the listeners. The text relates to the experience of neal, imaginary, or complex event that led to a crisis, whhich eventually found a solution.

Features of narrative text is element of conflic (problem) and resolution (problem solving).

The generic structure of a narrative is:
Ø  Orientation
It sets the scene and introduces the partcipants of the story.
Ø  Complication
It shows when the crisis arises.
Ø  Resolution
It shows when the crisis is resolved, for a better or worse condition.

The grammatical features of narratives are:
Ø  Use to adjectives to build noun groups to describe the people, animals or things in the story, such as: ....a nice, delligent and kind-hearted man.
Ø  Use of time connectives and conjunctions to sequence events, such as: howefer, althought, later, then.
Ø  Use for adverbs and adverbial phrases  to locate the particular events, such as: once upon a time, long time ago.
Ø  Use for past tense, such as: Aji saka went to the kongdom, measured the size of the turban ...
Ø  Use of action verbs to indicated the actions, such as: fleed, explained, provided, smashed, etc.
Ø  Use of saying and thinking verbs to indicate what characters are feeling, thingking or saying, such as: told, realized, decided. 

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